1.Personal Details

We'll need these details in order to be able to contact you.

2. Profile
Résumé / CV
Accepted file formats are .pdf and .docx
3. Personal Statement

Please detail your reasons for applying, your main strengths relevant for this role, highlight relevant aspects of your career and interests and ambitions which make you suitable for this post.

You must provide at least 1 response and at most 1 responses

4. Employment History

please provide employment history covering the last 10 years and provide reasons for any gaps in your career history.

You must provide at least 1 response(s)

5. Education History

Please include Secondary Education, Further/Higher Education and any other relevant training/qualifications or membership of professional bodies

You must provide at least 1 response(s)

6. References

Please provide details of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer and have direct experience of working with you. They may be connected to school, college or voluntary work if you do not have a work history. They must not be related to you. Referees will not be contacted without your permission.

You must provide at least 2 response and at most 2 responses

Diversity and Inclusion
The College’s Equal Opportunities policy ensures fair treatment in all of its activities.
No applicant or successful candidate will be treated less favourably than another because of gender, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, racial group, age or disability.
Any information submitted below will be separated from your application form and will be kept strictly confidential. It is not used as part of the selection process and will not be seen by any members of the selection panel.
Any information given will be used only for statistical purposes to support the College’s Equal Opportunities policy and in accordance with the principles of the current data protection regulations.
8. Submit Application

In order to contact you with future jobs that you may be interested in, we need to store your personal data.

If you are happy for us to do so please click the checkbox below.

You can view our privacy notice for more information.